The content list is as follows;
13 Cattle Combo panels 1.8m high x 2.1m long 7 rail 80x40x2mm
5 Cattle Combo gates in frame 2.1m high x 2.2m long spring and chain latch
2 Cattle Combo mangate panels 2.1m long
1 Cattle Hobby Farm Vet Crush
1 3m Loading Ramp
2 Slide gates
8 Sheep panels 1.05m high x 2.2m long 40x40x2mm uprights, top rail 80x40 oval and bottom 5 rails 60x30 oval
2 Sheep gates in U shaped frame 2.2m long
1 Sheep width adjustable 3 way draft module
1 Sheep race bow
Adaptor posts and pins also included.