Note there are 3 panel options so change the panel size to see the price for that panel. Content list is as follows:
56 Panels 1.8m high x 2.1m long
4 Panels 1.8m high x 1.8m long
13 Gate in Frames 2.1m high x 2.2m long matching each panel
3 Mangate Panels matching each panel
1 Double gate 4m wide x 3m high 7 rail 50x50
3 Slide gates
4 Race Bows
1 Safety Force
1 Premium Vet Crush
1 Load Ramp 4m Heavy Duty
Adaptor posts and pins also included
Adding the safety area in the second photo adds the following to the above list:
7 Panels 1.8m high x 2.1m long
2 Mangate Panels 2.1m long
Extra cost in each panel option as follows:
80x40 6 rail $1655
80x40 7 rail $1805
115x42 6 rail $2055